Big Data - Changing approach towards BI and Analytics

Data...More Data and then n-times multiplication of this data. Data is growing much faster across enterprises irrespective of country or city you are in. Its growth is explosive. Digital universe expanded so is the data within organization. But all of this data is not relevant. We don't really work on this zattabyte of data for the time being  still need to deal with huge data unprecedented data growth from a wide variety of sources and systems.

In recent days a new term "big data" has emerged which describe this growth and also provided the systems and technology required to leverage it. Generally speaking, big data represents data sets that can no longer be easily managed or analyzed with traditional or common data management tools, methods and infrastructures. Big Data contains certain characteristics like high velocity, high volume and even variety of data structures. This definitely brings new challenges to data analysis, search, data integration, information discovery and exploration, reporting and system maintenance.

Here is a very nice article from Shawn Rogers which discussed various issues and available systems around this "Big Data" including Hadoop. It also discussed how it is impacting BI and Analytic.

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